How Do Professional Sports Bettors Bet


Professional sports betting requires expertise like any other profession. With numbers, players can successfully gauge the odds, calculate variances (negative possibilities), and ensure they're collecting wins on more than 52.4% of the games they are betting. In addition, being emotionally intelligent benefits the player by controlling their emotional investment in the game. For more at 539.

Successful professional sports bettors earn around 40% on their investments, depending on the value of the assets and other variable factors such as the number of games, variances, etc. Factoring in the 10% commission that the house makes, the profit-making benchmark for professional sports bettors is to collect returns on 53% to 55% (60%, although possible, cannot be sustained for long) of their bets. The breakeven threshold is making returns on 52.4% of all bets. 52.4% is the result of accounting for probabilities of wins and losses in the breakeven formula, factoring in compound interest. The difference between 53% and 55% becomes significant for larger bankrolls. A good practice is to bet no more than 5% of the bankroll. 

A professional sports bettor knows how to separate the noise of promotional activity and herd mentality, trusting their calculations and instinct when placing bets that generate value. 

Value, however, needs to be sought with careful precision as it's often masked under the layers of information, some useful, while most are generally noise. This type of mentality is betting to win instead of betting to risk. Bookies may use attractive odds and other marketing techniques to hook players into betting on their platform. Consider comparing bookies and the consequences of betting through different channels to calculate the best outcome. However, loyalty is rewarded in the lower tiers to encourage players to increase their stakes. As a professional sports bettor, in the upper tiers, the landscape changes and becomes steeper in difficulty, causing a shift in probabilities of winning. Hence, professional sports bettors need to identify and take on the opportunity of a good deal when offered by the bookie. 

Professional sports bettors do their homework before gauging whether a bet is worth their valuable time or money. They can make detailed predictions based on their knowledge of the game. Proficiency in math can assist players further in putting actual percentages to the likelihood of the outcomes they are most sure of, helping them map the results. Percentages of probability are also a constant reminder of the picture they choose to look at, whether an event occurs or doesn't occur. Only time can unravel these probabilities and tell the player if their calculations were correct or not. 

Value is finding the bookie that echoes the bettor's calculations. Comparing the bookie's deals based on the player's calculations will provide them the impetus to decide on betting. The player might review their thoughts and understand why there are differences in odds. Reassessing confidence in the bet is another step. The aim should be whether the bet will likely be a win or loss, breaking even, or making a profit. Value bet hunting is how successful bettors can get rich in sports betting.

Know how to handle wins and losses

A professional sports bettor paints losses into their journey of growing bankroll. Having a goal in mind is helpful. Remember the magical range of 53% to 55%? This range is where a professional bettor operates and accounts for losses, not just the wins

A loss is often associated with an absence or even failure. However, professional sports bettors aren't in for the short-term wins and losses, and they're in it for the long haul. The ultimate aim is to grow the bankroll and to wager favorable odds when the opportunities present themselves. So, it is essential for professional sports bettors to not dwell on their losses, especially not perceive them as failures, because they are part of the journey to success, as long as they do not go over 45% of all their bets. 

Wins are easier to handle in any sport or profession. As humans, we are wired to celebrate the good times and reward ourselves. However, the journey to becoming a professional sports bettor doesn't begin or end here. Dependent on the player's choices. Therefore, the player must not dwell on their success and have a firm grounding in their professional goals as a sports bettor. Wins and losses account for experience, so leverage these experiences for improvisation. Grow the bankroll like an investment fund manager by monitoring returns and saving the funds for a rainy day. For more at 539.


It is better to re-evaluate stakes for the next set of bets in the event of a win or loss. Even the best instruments need to be recalibrated once in a while, and the human mind is no different. We have trained ourselves to seek patterns, but we must take caution as we cannot always trust what the human mind tells us to believe. Hence, remaining grounded in goals and taking a step back can be beneficial in the event of a win or loss to stay on track.


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